
Halloween Yoga

Kid in halloween costume
Spooky season is in full swing so get your little ones moving with some yoga-style tricks and treats! 

Spooky season is in full swing so get your little ones moving with some yoga-style tricks and treats! 

Halloween Poses (these are just a few ideas to get you started – use your imagination to create poses for a skeleton, Frankenstein, scarecrow, and on and on):

Scary Cat: From a hands-and-knees position, curl your spine toward the ceiling by pulling your belly button away from the floor. Tuck your tailbone under so it points to your knees and let your head hang down. You look like a scary cat, so maybe make a hissing sound! Then stretch your kitty spine the other way, so your tail and your head look up to the sky but your tummy is low. Can you meow or purr?

Flying Witch: Stand tall and draw slow circles on the ceiling with your imaginary witch’s hat, a few in each direction. Then draw circles in front of you with your pointy witch’s nose. Now you are warmed up for your broomstick ride! With your feet close together, begin to bend your knees and pretend to sit on the broomstick. Get low so you can fly quickly! Where will you fly? You may have to lean left and right to steer your broomstick. After your flight, slowly straighten your legs again and stretch your arms overhead. 

Bat: Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended. Slowly raise your arms and legs off the floor, forming a bat shape. Hold for a few breaths, then slowly lower your arms and legs back to the floor. You can try flapping your bat wings if you’d like.

Halloween Breaths:

  • Pumpkin Breath: Sit cross-legged with your arms resting on your heart and/or belly. Imagine you are a big, round Jack-o-Lantern with a glowing candle inside. Can you feel that with your hands? As you breathe in, imagine that candle flame getting bigger and brighter and on the exhale, see it flickering and dimming, but it never goes out. Repeat several times, watching the candlelight grow and shrink.
  • Owl Breath: You can silently fly around the room during this breath, sit or lie down. Inhale through your nose and on the exhale quietly say, “hooooooo” in a long, owl voice.

Halloween Meditation:

Ghost Float: Lie on your back with your arms comfortably at your sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are a ghost floating through the air. Feel weightless, just floating under the full moon. You can float anywhere you’d like – over the mountains, under the ocean, even all the way into outer space. You can visit friends and family or you can explore all by yourself. Spend a few minutes floating freely, letting your body be light and your mind free.

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